6.9 million people estimated in need of humanitarian assistance for Protection-GBV in the West and Central Africa region in 2022. 70% of these people in need were targeted for humanitarian response plan 2022. A total of US$ 138.7 million required to deliver GBV life-saving assistance and protection to 4.8 million people across the 7 countries including Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Mali, Niger and Nigeria in the region which have developed Humanitarian Response Plans, only 8.9 per cent of the required funds were met.

Despite funding shortfalls and operational challenges, humanitarian partners assisted 33 per cent of the targeted population. More than 1.6 million people were reached with 202300 Women and Girls including male reached by Specialized GBV services/GBV Response , 68486 reached with GBV Risk Mitigation &Dignity kits/security or hygienic Kits distribution, 891729 reached with GBV Awareness raising & Sensitization , 9035 on Economic and Social empowerment activities, 5213 on Training and capacity-building activities. Mains challenges raised across countries are low coverage of intervention areas by specialized GBV services, critical need to scale up lifesaving GBV services and advocate for access to reach affected communities

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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