The sector’s main objective is to ensure full integration of comprehensive primary health care services for refugees into national and local government systems, in line with the Health Sector Integrated Refugee Response Plan (2019-2024), launched in January 2019.


The under 5 mortality rate was low at 0.1 compared to the standard of less than 1.5 deaths per 1,000 population. This was achieved because of strengthened community health interventions using the Village Health Teams (VHTs) to carry out disease surveillance in addition to testing and treating children for childhood illness such as diarrhoea, malaria and respiratory tract infections. This intervention will be scaled up in all settlements There are high rates of anaemia in the settlements and it is the major cause of death among children under 5 years. Anaemia typing has been done by sector partners to establish the anaemia type that is most prevalent. The health facility delivery rate stands at 95%, this has been achieved as a result of sensitization at the health facilities, VHT engagement in mapping of pregnant mothers and integrated outreaches taken to the communities with maternal child health services as part of the packages.

Challenges and key priorities

Only 76% of the health facilities have been accredited and integrated into national systems. This is because some of the facilities are still either temporary on semi-permanent and cannot meet the requirement for accreditation by the Ministry of Health. There is a need to upgrade the facilities, starting with infrastructure development.

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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